Nitzany, E.I., and Victor, J.D. (2014)
The statistics of local motion signals in naturalistic movies.
Journal of Vision 14, 1-15.
Abstract, download, and supplement
Hu, Q., and Victor, J.D. (2010)
A set of high-order spatiotemporal stimuli that elicit motion and reverse-phi percepts.
Journal of Vision, 10:9, 1-16, doi: 10.1167/10.3.9.
Abstract, demo, software, and download
Benton, C.P., Johnston, A., McOwan, P.W. and Victor, J.D (2001)
Computational modelling of non-Fourier motion: further evidence for a single luminance based mechanism.
J.Opt. Soc. Amer. A18, 2204-2208.
Abstract and downloads
Mechler, F., and Victor, J.D. (2000)
Comparison of thresholds for high-speed drifting vernier and a
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Vision Research 40, 1839-1855.
Abstract, abbreviated version, key figures, and download
Taub, E., Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1997)
Nonlinear preprocessing in short-range motion.
Vision Research 37, 1459-1477.
Abstract, key construction, controversy, and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1994) Investigation of a patient with
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Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1992)
Evoked potential and psychophysical analysis of Fourier and
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Visual Neuroscience 9, 105-123.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1992)
Coherence and transparency of moving plaids composed of
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Perception and Psychophysics 52, 403-414.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1990)
Motion mechanisms have only limited access to form information.
Vision Research 30, 289-301.
Abstract and download