Laboratory Publications Related to Visual Texture and Form Processing

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Publications of Keith P. Purpura, Jonathan D. Victor
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Isodipole textures: examples, background, and related work from other labs

Waraich, S.A., and Victor, J.D. (2024) The geometry of low- and high-level perceptual spaces. J. Neurosci. 44(4):e1460232023.
Abstract and download

Abbey, C.K., Zuley, M.L., and Victor, J.D. (2023) Local texture statistics augment the power spectrum in modeling radiographic judgments of breast density. Journal of Medical Imaging 10 (6), 065502. doi: 10.1117/1.JMI.10.6.065502
Abstract and download

Victor, J.D., Rizvi, S.M, Bush, J.W., and Conte, M.M. (2023) Discrimination of textures with spatial correlations and multiple gray levels. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 40, 237-258.
Abstract, download, and supplement

Guidolin, A., Desroches, M., Victor, J.D., Purpura, K.P., and Rodrigues, R. (2022) Geometry of spiking patterns in early visual cortex: a topological data analytic approach. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, accepted.
Abstract and download

Victor, J.D., and Conte. M.M. (2022) Functional recursion of orientation cues in figure-ground separation. Vision Research 197, 108047,
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Waraich, S.A., and Victor, J.D. (2022) A psychophysics paradigm for the collection and analysis of similarity judgments. Journal of Visualized Experiments (181), e63461, doi:10.3791/63461.
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Teşileanu, T., Conte, M.M., Briguglio, J.J., Hermundstad, A.M., Victor, J.D. and Balasubramanian, V. (2020) Efficient coding of natural scene statistics predicts discrimination thresholds for grayscale textures. eLife, 2020;9:e54347.
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Puckett, A.M., Schira, Mark M., Isherwood, Z.J., Victor, J.D., Robert, J.A., and Breakspear, M. (2020) Manipulating the structure of natural scenes using wavelets to study the functional architecture of perceptual hierarchies in the brain. NeuroImage 221, 117173.
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Xu, Y., Raj, A., and Victor, J.D. (2019) Systematic differences between perceptually-relevant image statistics of brain MRI and natural images. Front. Neuroinform. 13:46. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2019.00046.
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Groulx, K., Chubb, C.F., Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M. (2019) The features that control discrimination of an isodipole texture pair. Vision Research 158, 208-220.
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Victor, J.D., Rizvi, S.M., and Conte, M.M. (2019) Image segmentation driven by elements of form. Vision Research 159, 21-34.
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Casile, A., Victor, J.D., and Rucci, M. (2019) Contrast sensitivity reveals an oculomotor strategy for temporally encoding space. eLife 2019;8:e40924. doi:
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Rucci, M., and Victor, J.D. (2018) Perspective: Can eye movements contribute to emmetropization? Journal of Vision 18, 1–6.
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Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., and Chubb, C.F. (2017) Textures as probes of visual processing. Annual Review of Vision Science 3, 275-296.
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Victor, J.D., Rizvi, S.M., and Conte, M.M. (2017) Two representations of a high-dimensional perceptual space. Vision Research 137, 1-23.
Abstract, download, and supplement

Joukes, J., Yu, Y., Victor, J.D., and Krekelberg, B. (2017) Recurrent network dynamics: a link between form and motion. Front. Syst. Neurosci. 11:12 doi:10:3389.
Abstract and download

Elder, J.H., Victor, J.D., and Zucker, S.W. (2016) Understanding the statistics of the natural environment and their implications for vision. (Editorial) Vision Research 120, 1-4.
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Victor, J.D., Thengone, D.J., Rizvi, S.M., and Conte, M.M. (2015) A perceptual space of local image statistics. Vision Research 117, 117-135.
Abstract, download, and note

Yu, Y., Schmid, A.M., and Victor, J.D. (2015) Visual processing of informative multipoint correlations arises primarily in V2. eLife. 2015; 10.7554/eLife.06604.
Abstract and download

Hermundstad, A.M., Briguglio, J.J., Conte, M.M., Victor, J.D., Balasubramanian, V., and Tkacik, G. (2014) Variance predicts salience in central sensory processing. eLife 2014;10.7554/eLife.03722.
Abstract and download

Zaidi, Q., Victor, J.D., McDermott, J., Geffen, M., Bensmaia, S., and Cleland, T. (2013) Perceptual spaces: Mathematical structures to neural mechanisms. Journal of Neuroscience 33, 17597-17602.
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Victor, J.D., Thengone, D.J., and Conte, M.M. (2013) Perception of second- and third-order orientation signals, and their interactions. Journal of Vision 13, 1-21.
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Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (2012) Local image statistics: maximum-entropy constructions and perceptual salience. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29, 1313-1345.
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Jones, R.M., Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (2012) Detecting symmetry and faces: Separating the tasks and identifying their interactions. Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics 74, 988-1000.
Abstract, download, and link to library of face stimuli

Tkačik, G., Prentice, J., Victor, J.D., and Balasubramanian, V. (2010) Local statistics in natural scenes predict the saliency of synthetic textures Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 18149-18154.
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Hu, Q., and Victor, J.D. (2010) A set of high-order spatiotemporal stimuli that elicit motion and reverse-phi percepts Journal of Vision, 10:9, 1-16, doi: 10.1167/10.3.9.
Abstract, demo, and download

Oka, S., Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., and Yanagida, T. (2007) VEPs elicited by local correlations and global symmetry: characteristics and interactions. Vision Research 47, 2212–2222.
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Maddess, T., Nagai, Y., Victor, J.D., and Taylor, R. (2007) Multi-level isotrigon textures. JOSA A, 24, 278-293.
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Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (2006) Encoding and stability of image statistics in working memory. Vision Research 46, 4152–4162.
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Victor, J. D., and Conte, M. M. (2005) Local processes and spatial pooling in texture and symmetry detection. Vision Research 45, 1063-1073.
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Victor, J. D., Chubb, C., and Conte, M. M. (2005) Interaction of luminance and higher-order statistics in texture discrimination. Vision Research 45, 311-325.
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Victor, J. D., and Conte, M. M. (2004) Visual working memory for image statistics. Vision Research 44, 541-556.
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Victor, J.D., and Conte, M. (2002) Temporal phase discrimination depends critically on separation. Vision Research 42, 2063-2071.
Abstract, stimuli, and download

Levine, B.K., Beason-Held, L.L., Purpura, K.P., Aronchick, D.M., Optican, L.M., Alexander, G.E., Horwitz, B., Rapoport, S.I., and Schapiro, M.B. (2000) Age-related differences in visual perception: a PET study. Neurobiology of Aging 21, 577-584.
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Victor, J.D., and Conte, M. (2000) Two-frequency analysis of interactions elicited by vernier stimuli. Visual Neuroscience 17, 959-973.
Abstract and download

Victor, J.D., and Conte, M. (2000) Illusory contour strength does not depend on the dynamics or relative phase of the inducers. Vision Research 40, 3475-3483.
Abstract, key figure, and download

Beason-Held, L.L., Purpura, K.P., Krasuski, J.S., Desmond, R.E., Mangot, D.J., Daly, E.M., Optican, L.M., Rapoport, S.I., and Van Meter, J.W. (2000) Striate cortex in humans demonstrates relationship between activation and variations in visual form. Experimental Brain Research 130, 221-226.
Abstract and download

Victor, J.D., and Conte, M. (1999) Short-range vernier acuity: Interactions of temporal frequency, temporal phase, and stimulus polarity. Vision Research 39, 3351-3371.
Abstract, key figure, and download

Beason-Held, L.L., Purpura, K.P., Krasuski, J.S., Maisog, J.Ma., Daly, E.M., Mangot, D.J., Desmond, R.E., Optican, L.M., Schapiro, M.B. and Van Meter, J.W. (1998) Cortical regions involved in texture perception: a fMRI study. Cognitive Brain Research 7, 111-118.

Beason-Held, L.L., Purpura, K.P., Van Meter, J.W., Azari, N.P., Mangot, D.J., Optican, L.M., Mentis, M.J., Alexander, G.E., Grady, C.L., Horwitz, B., Rapoport, S.I., and Schapiro, M.B. (1998) PET reveals occipitotemporal pathway activation during elementary form perception in humans. Visual Neuroscience 15, 503-510.
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Joseph, J.S., Victor, J.D., and Optican, L.M. (1997) Scaling effects in the perception of higher-order spatial correlations. Vision Research 37, 3097-3197.
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Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1996) The role of high-order phase correlations in texture processing. Vision Research 36, 1615-1631.
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Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., Purpura, K., and Katz, E. (1995) Isodipole textures: a window on cortical mechanisms of form processing. In Early Vision and Beyond. eds. T. Papathomas, C. Chubb, A. Gorea, E. Kowler. Cambridge, The MIT Press. pp. 99 - 107.
Abstract, summary, and key figure

Hirsch, J. DeLaPaz, R., Relkin, N., Victor, J., Kim, K., Li, T., Borden, P., Rubin, N., and Shapley, R. (1995) Illusory contours activate specific regions in human visual cortex: functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) evidence for perceptual grouping processes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 6469-6473.
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Joseph, J.S., and Victor, J.D. (1994) A continuum of non-Gaussian self-similar image ensembles with white power spectra. Spatial Vision 8, 503-513.

Purpura, K., Victor, J.D., and Katz, E. (1994) Striate cortex extracts higher-order spatial correlations from visual textures. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 8482-8486.
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Victor, J. (1994) Images, statistics, and textures: a comment on "Implications of triple correlation uniqueness for texture statistics and the Julesz conjecture." J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A11, 1680-1684.
Summary, background, and download

Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1991) Spatial organization of nonlinear interactions in form perception. Vision Research 31, 1457-1488.
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Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1990) Motion mechanisms have only limited access to form information. Vision Research 30, 289-301.
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Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1989) Cortical interactions in texture processing: scale and dynamics Visual Neuroscience 2, 297-313.
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Victor, J.D. (1988) Models for preattentive texture discrimination: Fourier analysis and local feature processing in a unified framework. Spatial Vision 3, 263-280.
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Victor, J.D. (1986) Isolation of components due to intracortical processing in the visual evoked potential. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 7984-7988.
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Victor, J.D. (1985) Complex visual textures as a tool for studying the VEP. Vision Res. 25, 1811-1827.
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Victor, J.D., and Zemon, V. (1985) The human visual evoked potential: Analysis of components due to elementary and complex aspects of form. Vision Res. 25, 1829-1842.
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Victor, J.D., and Zemon, V. (1984) Separation of components of the pattern VER using complex visual textures. Proc. Sixth Annu. Conf. IEEE Engineering in Medcine and Biology Society, 420-425.
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Victor, J.D., and Brodie, S. (1978) Discriminable textures with identical Buffon Needle statistics. Biological Cybernetics 31, 231-234.
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Julesz, B., Gilbert, E., and Victor, J.D. (1978) Visual discrimination of textures with Identical third-order statistics. Biological Cybernetics 31, 137-140.
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