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Cornell Pediatrics

Contact Us

If you are a parent and are considering having your child transferred to the Pediatric Critical Care Center, please discuss this with your child's physician. If you and your doctor determine that your child might benefit from our services, we would be happy to discuss it with your doctor and to provide any assistance we can in arranging the transfer. Your child's physician should feel free to contact us for a telephone consultation.

If you are a physician who is considering transferring a patient to the Pediatric Critical Care Center, please call and discuss the case with a pediatric critical care fellow or attending. We encourage physicians to call for follow up on your patients.

Useful Numbers

Patient Transfers

Patient Referrals and Pediatric Critical Care Consultations

Division of Pediatric Critical Care in the Department of Pediatrics
Bruce M. Greenwald, MD, Director

Medical Practice
For physician information, directions, and office staff, please visit our medical practice web pages on the Cornell Physicians' web site:

Pediatric Critical Care

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