A list of selected publications follows. For briefer lists in specific areas, use these links:
Rucci, M., Ahissar, E., Burr, D.C., Kagan, I., Poletti, M., and Victor, J.D. (2025)
The visual system does not operate like a camera. Reply to Gur, “Seeing on the Fly.” (Letter)
Journal of Vision, accepted.
Summary and download
Bodien, Y.G., Allanson, J., Cardone, P., Bonhomme, A. Carmona, J., Chatelle, C., Chennu, S., Conte, M.M., Dehaene, S., Finoia, P., Heinonen, G., Hersh, J., Kamau, E., Lawrence. P., Lupson, V.C., Meydan, A., Rohaut, B., Sanders, W.R., Sitt, J.D., Soddu, A., Valente, M., Velazquez, A., Vrosgou, A., Claassen, J., Edlow, B.L., Fins, J.J., Gosseries, O., Laureys, S., Menon, D., Naccache, L., Owen, A.M., Pickard, J., Stamatakis, E.A., Thibaut, A., Victor, J.D., Voss, H.U., Giacino, J.T., Bagiella, E., and Schiff, N.D. (2024) Cognitive motor dissociation is prevalent in disorders of consciousness: A multinational study.
N Engl J Med 2024;391:598-608. doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2400645
Pilato, S.A., O'Connell, F.P., Victor, J.D., and Di Lorenzo, P.M. (2024) Electrophysiological responses to
appetitive and consummatory behavior in the rostral nucleus tractus solitarius in awake, unrestrained rats.
Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, doi.org/10.3389/fnint.2024.1430950.
Abstract and download
Intoy, J., Li, Y.H., Bowers, N., Victor, J.D., Poletti, M., and Rucci, M. (2024)
Consequences of eye movements for spatial selectivity.
Current Biology, doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2024.06.016.
Abstract and download
Schiff, N.D., Giacino, J.T., Butson, C.R., Choi, E.Y., Baker, J.L., O'Sullivan, K.P., Janson, A.P., Bergin, M., Bronte-Stewart, H.M., Chua, J., DeGeorge, L., Dikmen, S., Fogarty, A., Gerber, L.M., Krel, M., Maldonado, J., Radovan, M., Shah, S.A., Su, J., Temkin, N., Tourdias, T., Victor, J.D., Waters, A., Kolakowsky-Hayner, S.A., Fins, J.J., Machado, A.G., Rutt, B.K. and Henderson, J.M. (2023)
Thalamic deep brain stimulation in traumatic brain injury: A phase 1, randomized feasibility study.
Nat Med 29(12): 3162-3174.
Waraich, S.A., and Victor, J.D. (2024)
The geometry of low- and high-level perceptual spaces.
J. Neurosci. 44(4):e1460232023.
Abstract and download
Abbey, C.K., Zuley, M.L., and Victor, J.D. (2023)
Local texture statistics augment the power spectrum in modeling radiographic judgments of breast density.
Journal of Medical Imaging 10 (6), 065502. doi: 10.1117/1.JMI.10.6.065502
Abstract and download
Lin, Y.-C., Intoy, J., Clark, A.M., Rucci, M., and Victor, J.D. (2023)
Cognitive influences on fixational eye movements.
Current Biology 8, 1606-1612.
Summary, download, and supplement
Jain, P., Knight, B.W., and Victor, J.D. (2023)
Application of a Hermite-based measure of non-Gaussianity to normality tests and independent component analysis.
Front. Neuroinform. 17. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2023.1113988.
Abstract and download
Jain, P., Conte, M.M., Voss, H.U., Victor, J.D., and Schiff, N.D. (2023)
Low-level language processing in brain-injured patients.
Brain Communications 5, fcad094 doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcad094.
Abstract, download, and supplement
Victor, J.D., Rizvi, S.M, Bush, J.W., and Conte, M.M. (2023)
Discrimination of textures with spatial correlations and multiple gray levels.
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 40, 237-258.
Abstract, download, and supplement
Zhao, Z., Ahissar, E., Victor, J.D., and Rucci, M.R. (2023)
Inferring visual space from ultra-fine knowledge of gaze position in spatial vision.
Nature Communications 14, 269.
Abstract and download
Guidolin, A., Desroches, M., Victor, J.D., Purpura, K.P., and Rodrigues, R. (2022)
Geometry of spiking patterns in early visual cortex: a topological data analytic approach.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 19: 20220677.
Abstract and download
Yadav, N., Noble, C., Niemeyer, J. Terceros, A., Victor, J.D., Liston, C., Rajasethupathy, P. (2022) Prefrontal feature representations drive memory recall.
Nature 608, 153-160.
Abstract and download
Curley, W.H., Bodien, Y.G., Zhou, D.W., Conte, M.M., Foulkes, A.S., Giacino, J.T., Victor, J.D., Schiff, N.D., and Edlow, B.L. (2022)
Electrophysiological correlates of thalamocortical function in acute severe traumatic brain injury.
Cortex 152, 136-52.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte. M.M. (2022)
Functional recursion of orientation cues in figure-ground separation.
Vision Research 197, 108047, doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2022.108047.
Abstract and download
Waraich, S.A., and Victor, J.D. (2022)
A psychophysics paradigm for the collection and analysis of similarity judgments.
Journal of Visualized Experiments (181), e63461, doi:10.3791/63461.
Abstract and download
Waldrop, G., Safavynia, S.A., Barra, M.E., Agarwal, S., Berlin, D.A., Boehme, A.K., Brodie, D., Choi, J.M.,
Doyle, K., Fins, J.J., Ganglberger, W., Hoffman, K., Mittel, A.M., Roh, D., Mukerji, S.S., Der Nigoghossian, C.,
Park, S., Schenck, E.J., Salazar-Schicchi, J., Shen, Q., Sholle, E., Velazquez, A.G., Walline, M.C., Westover, M.B., Brown, E.N., Victor, J.D., Edlow, B.L., Schiff, N.D., and Claassen, J. (2022)
Prolonged unconsciousness is common in COVID-19 and associated with hypoxemia.
Annals of Neurology 91, 740-75. doi: 10.1002/ana.26342.
Abstract and download
Crimaldi, J., Lei, H., Schaefer, A., Schmuker, M., Smith, B.H., True, A.C., Verhagen, J.V., and Victor, J.D. (2021)
Active sensing in a dynamic olfactory world.
J. Comput. Neurosci. 50, 1-6.
Introduction and download
Riman, N., Victor, J.D., Boie, S.D., and Ermentrout, G.B. (2021)
The dynamics of bilateral olfactory search and navigation.
SIAM Review 63, 100-121.
Abstract and download
Edlow, B.L., Claassen, J., Victor, J.D., Brown, E.N., and Schiff, N.D. (2020)
Delayed reemergence of consciousness in survivors of severe COVID-19. Neurocritical Care, 33, 627–629.
Brief summary and download
Sammons, J.D., Bass, C.E., Victor, J.D., and Di Lorenzo, P.M. (2020)
Enhancing GABAergic tone in the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract reconfigures sensorimotor neural activity.
J. Neurosci., doi: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0388-20.2020.
Abstract and download
Silver, B.M., Conte, M.M., Victor, J.D., and Jones, R.M. (2020)
Visual search for circumscribed interests in autism is similar to that of neurotypical individuals.
Frontiers in Psychology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.582074.
Abstract and download
Teşileanu, T., Conte, M.M., Briguglio, J.J., Hermundstad, A.M., Victor, J.D. and Balasubramanian, V. (2020)
Efficient coding of natural scene statistics predicts discrimination thresholds for grayscale textures. eLife, 2020;9:e54347.
Abstract and download
Mostofi, N., Zhao, Z., Intoy, J., Boi, M., Victor, J.D., and Rucci, M. (2020)
Spatiotemporal content of saccade transients.
Current Biology 30, p3999-4008.e2.
Abstract and download
Puckett, A.M., Schira, Mark M., Isherwood, Z.J., Victor, J.D., Robert, J.A., and Breakspear, M. (2020)
Manipulating the structure of natural scenes using wavelets to study the functional architecture of perceptual hierarchies in the brain.
NeuroImage 221, 117173.
Abstract and download
Kreuz, T., Houghton, C., and Victor, J.D. (2020)
Spike train distance.
In: Jaeger D., Jung R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Springer, New York, NY.
Overview and download
Xu, Y., Raj, A., and Victor, J.D. (2019)
Systematic differences between perceptually-relevant image statistics of brain MRI and natural images.
Front. Neuroinform. 13:46. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2019.00046.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Boie, S.D., Connor, E.G., Crimaldi, J., Ermentrout, B., and Nagel, K.I. (2019)
Olfactory navigation and the receptor nonlinearity. J. Neurosci., 39, 3713-3727.
Abstract and download
Fridman, E.A., Osborne, J.R, Mozley, P.D., Victor, J.D., and Schiff, N.D. (2019)
Presynaptic dopamine deficit in minimally conscious state patients following traumatic brain injury.
Brain 142, 1887-1893.
Abstract and download
Groulx, K., Chubb, C.F., Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M. (2019)
The features that control discrimination of an isodipole texture pair.
Vision Research 158, 208-220.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Rizvi, S.M., and Conte, M.M. (2019)
Image segmentation driven by elements of form.
Vision Research 159, 21-34.
Abstract and download
Ohla, K., Yoshida, R., Roper, S.D., DiLorenzo, P.M., Victor, J.D.,
Boughter Jr., J.D., Fletcher, M., Katz, D.B., and Chaudhari, N. (2019)
Recognizing taste: coding patterns along the neural axis in mammals.
Chemical Senses 15, 237-247.
Abstract and download
Casile, A., Victor, J.D., and Rucci, M. (2019)
Contrast sensitivity reveals an oculomotor strategy for temporally encoding space.
eLife 2019;8:e40924. doi: https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.40924.
Abstract and download
Denman, A., Sammons, J.D., Victor, J.D., and DiLorenzo, P.M. (2019)
Heterogeneity of neuronal responses in the nucleus of the solitary tract suggests sensorimotor integration in the neural code for taste.
J. Neurophysiol. 121, 634-645.
Abstract and download
Rucci, M., and Victor, J.D. (2018)
Perspective: Can eye movements contribute to emmetropization?
Journal of Vision 18, 1–6.
Abstract and download
Alvarez-Salvado, E., Licata, A.M., Connor, E.G., McHugh, M.K., King, B.M.N., Stavropoulos, N., Victor, J.D., Crimaldi, J.P., and Nagel, K.I. (2018)
Elementary sensory-motor transformations underlying olfactory navigation in walking fruit-flies.
eLife 2018;7:e37815 doi: 10.7554/eLife.37815.
Abstract and download
Boie, S.D., Connor, E.G., McHugh, M.K., Nagel, K.I., Ermentrout, G.B., Crimaldi,J.P., and Victor, J.D. (2018)
Information-theoretic analysis of realistic odor plumes: What cues are useful for determining location?
PLoS Computational Biology 14(7):e1006275.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., and Chubb, C.F. (2017)
Textures as probes of visual processing.
Annual Review of Vision Science 3, 275-296.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Rizvi, S.M., and Conte, M.M. (2017)
Two representations of a high-dimensional perceptual space.
Vision Research 137, 1-23.
Abstract, download, and supplement
Boi, M., Poletti, M., Victor, J.D., and Rucci, M. (2017)
Consequences of the oculomotor cycle for the dynamics of perception.
Current Biology 27, 1268-77.
Abstract, commentary, download, and supplement
Joukes, J., Yu, Y., Victor, J.D., and Krekelberg, B. (2017)
Recurrent network dynamics: a link between form and motion.
Front. Syst. Neurosci. 11:12 doi:10:3389.
Abstract and download
Nitzany, E.I., Loe, M.E., Palmer, S.E., and Victor, J.D. (2016)
Perceptual interaction of local motion signals.
Journal of Vision 16(14):22, 1–12. doi: 10.1167/16.14.22.
Abstract and download
Hu, Q., and Victor, J.D. (2016)
Two-dimensional Hermite filters yield simple high-order natural image statistics.
Symmetry 8, 98; doi:10.3390/sym8090098.
Abstract, download, and code
Melman, T., and Victor, J.D. (2016)
Robust power spectral estimation for EEG data.
J. Neurosci. Meth. 268, 14-22.
Abstract and download
Sammons, J.D., Weiss, M.S., Victor, J.D., and Di Lorenzo, P.M. (2016)
Taste coding of complex naturalistic taste stimuli and traditional taste stimuli in the parabrachial pons of the awake, freely licking rat.
J. Neurophysiol. 116, 171-182.
Abstract and download
Sammons, J.D., Weiss, M.S., Escanilla, O.D., Fooden, A.F., Victor, J.D., and Di Lorenzo, P.M. (2016)
Spontaneous changes in taste sensitivity of single units recorded over consecutive days in the brainstem of the awake rat.
PLoS ONE 2016;11, e0160143. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160143.
Abstract and download
Elder, J.H., Victor, J.D., and Zucker, S.W. (2016)
Understanding the statistics of the natural environment and their implications for vision. (Editorial)
Vision Research 120, 1-4.
Summary and download
Victor, J.D., Thengone, D.J., Rizvi, S.M., and Conte, M.M. (2015)
A perceptual space of local image statistics.
Vision Research 117, 117-135.
Abstract, download, and note
Yu, Y., Schmid, A.M., and Victor, J.D. (2015)
Visual processing of informative multipoint correlations arises primarily in V2.
eLife. 2015; 10.7554/eLife.06604.
Abstract and download
Escanilla, O.D., Victor, J.D., and DiLorenzo, P.M. (2015)
Odor-taste convergence in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the awake freely-licking rat.
Olga D. Escanilla, Jonathan D. Victor, and Patricia M. Di Lorenzo
Journal of Neuroscience 35, 6284-6297.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D. (2015)
Spike train distance.
In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Ed: D. Jaeger & R. Jung, pp 2808-2814.
Springer New York, Heidelberg ,Dordrecht, London, online.
Summary and download
Rucci, M., and Victor, J.D. (2015)
The unsteady eye: an information processing stage, not a bug.
Trends in Neurosciences 38, 195-206.
Abstract and download
Forgacs, P.B., Conte, M.M., Fridman, E.A., Voss, H.U., Victor, J.D., and Schiff, N.D. (2015)
A proposed role for routine EEGs in patients with consciousness disorders.
Annals of Neurology 77, 185-186.
Parent article for this correspondence and download
Hermundstad, A.M., Briguglio, J.J., Conte, M.M., Victor, J.D., Balasubramanian, V., and Tkacik, G. (2014)
Variance predicts salience in central sensory processing.
eLife eLife 2014;10.7554/eLife.03722.
Abstract and download
Forgacs, P.B., Conte, M.M., Fridman, E.A., Voss, H.U., Victor, J.D., and Schiff, N.D. (2014)
Preservation of EEG organization in patients with impaired consciousness and imaging-based
evidence of command-following.
Annals of Neurology 76, 869-79.
Abstract, correspondence, and download
Aytekin, M., Victor, J.D., and Rucci, M. (2014)
The visual input to the retina during natural head-free fixation.
The Journal of Neuroscience 34, 12701–12715.
Abstract and download
Schmid, A.M., and Victor, J.D. (2014)
Possible functions of contextual modulations and receptive field nonlinearities:
Pop-out and texture segmentation.
Vision Research 14, 57-67 (2014).
Abstract and download
Schmid, A.M., Purpura, K.P., and Victor, J.D. (2014)
Responses to orientation discontinuities in V1 and V2: Physiological dissociations and functional implications.
J. Neurosci. 34, 3559–3578.
Abstract and download
Nitzany, E.I., and Victor, J.D. (2014)
The statistics of local motion signals in naturalistic movies.
Journal of Vision 4, 1-15.
Abstract, download, and supplement
Ohiorhenuan, I.E., Mechler, F., Purpura, K.P., Schmid, A.M., Hu, Q., and Victor, J.D. (2014)
Cannabinoid neuromodulation in the adult early visual cortex.
PLoS ONE 9, e87362.
Abstract, download, and supplement
Weiss, M., Victor, J.D., and DiLorenzo, P. (2014)
Taste coding in the parabrachial nucleus of the pons in awake, freely licking rats,
and comparison with the nucleus of the solitary tract.
J. Neurophysiol. 111, 1655-1670.
Abstract and download
Schiff, N.D., Nauvel, T., and Victor, J.D. (2014)
Large-scale brain dynamics in disorders of consciousness.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 25, 7-14.
Abstract and download
Harris, A.L., Elder, J., Schiff, N.D., Victor, J.D., and Goldfine, A.M. (2014)
Post-stroke apathy and hypersomnia lead to worse outcomes from acute rehabilitation.
Translational Stroke Research 5, 292-300.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Nirenberg, S. (2013)
Spike trains as event sequences: Fundamental implications.
In, Spike Timing: Mechanisms and Function. Eds: Patricia DiLorenzo and Jonathan Victor.
Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 3-33.
Introduction and download
Zaidi, Q., Victor, J.D., McDermott, J., Geffen, M., Bensmaia, S., and Cleland, T. (2013)
Perceptual spaces: Mathematical structures to neural mechanisms. Journal of Neuroscience 33, 17597-17602.
Abstract and download
Williams, S.T., Conte, M.M., Goldfine, A.M., Noirhomme, Q., Gosseries, O., Thonnard, M., Beattie, B., Hersh, J., Katz, D.I., Victor, J.D., Laureys, S., and Schiff, N.D. (2013) Common resting brain dynamics indicate a possible mechanism underlying zolpidem response in severely brain-injured subjects. eLife 2013;2:e01157.
Abstract, download, and editorial
Nichols, Z.W. Nirenberg, S., and Victor, J.D. (2013)
Interacting linear and nonlinear characteristics produce population coding asymmetries between ON and OFF cells in the retina. J. Neurosci. 33, 14958-14973.
Abstract and download
Goldfine, A.M., Bardin, J.C., Noirhomme, Q., Fins, J.J., Schiff, N.D., and Victor, J.D. (2013)
Reanalysis of “Bedside detection of awareness in the vegetative state: a cohort study.”
Lancet 381, 289-291.
Summary, download, and link to further comments
Victor, J.D., Thengone, D.J., and Conte, M.M. (2013)
Perception of second- and third-order orientation signals, and their interactions.
Journal of Vision 13, 1-21.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (2012)
Local image statistics: maximum-entropy constructions and perceptual salience.
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29, 1313-1345.
Abstract and download
Roussin, A.T., D'Agostino, A.E., Fooden, A.M., Victor, J.D., and DiLorenzo, P.M. (2012)
Taste coding in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the awake, freely licking rat.
J. Neurosci. 32, 10494-10506.
Abstract and download
Goldfine, A.M., Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., Bardin, J.C., and Schiff, N.D. (2012)
Bedside detection of awareness in the vegetative state (Letter re Cruse et al. (2011))
Lancet, 379, 1701-1702.
Summary and download
Jones, R.M., Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (2012)
Detecting symmetry and faces: Separating the tasks and identifying their interactions.
Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 74, 988-1000.
Abstract, download, and link to library of face stimuli
Martins, O.F., Victor, J.D., and Selesnick, S.H. (2012)
The relationship between individual ossicular status and conductive hearing loss in cholesteatoma
Otol Neurotol. 33, 387-392.
Abstract and download
Kuang, X., Poletti, M., Victor, J.D., and Rucci, M. (2012)
Temporal encoding of spatial information during active visual fixation.
Current Biology 22, 510–514.
Summary, download, commentary, and supplement
Mechler, F., and Victor, J.D. (2012)
Dipole characterization of single neurons from their extracellular action potentials.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 32, 73-100.
Abstract, download, and link to code
Mechler, F., Victor, J., Ohiorhenuan, I.E., Schmid, A., and Hu, Q. (2011)
Three-dimensional localization of neurons in cortical tetrode recordings.
J. Neurophysiol. 106, 828-848.
Abstract, download, and link to code
Maresh, A., Martins, O.F., Victor, J.D., and Selesnick, S.H. (2011) Using surgical observations of ossicular erosion patterns to characterize cholesteatoma growth. Otol. Neurotol. 32, 1239-1242.
Abstract and download
Goldfine, A.M., Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., Bardin, J.C., and Schiff, N.D. (2011)
Determination of awareness in patients with severe brain injury using EEG power spectral analysis.
Clinical Neurophysiology 122, 2157-2168.
Abstract, download, and supplement
Dimitrov, A.G., Lazar, A.A., and Victor, J.D. (2011)
Information theory in neuroscience.
J Comput. Neurosci. 30, 1-5.
Introduction and download
Rosen, A.M., Victor, J.D, and DiLorenzo, P.D. (2011)
Temporal coding of taste in the parabrachial nucleus of the pons of the rat.
J. Neurophysiol. 105, 1889-1896.
Abstract and download
Chen, J.-Y., Victor, J.D., and Di Lorenzo, P. (2011)
Temporal coding of intensity of NaCl and HCl in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the rat.
J. Neurophysiol. 105, 697-711.
Abstract and download
Ohiorhenuan, I.E., and Victor, J.D. (2011)
Information-geometric measure of 3-neuron firing patterns characterizes scale-dependence in cortical networks.
J. Comput. Neurosci. 30, 125-141.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Drover, J.D., Conte, M.M., and Schiff, N.D. (2011)
Mean-field modeling of thalamocortical dynamics, and a model-driven approach to EEG analysis.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 15631-15638.
Abstract and download
Houghton, C., and Victor, J.D. (2011) Measuring representational distances – the spike metric approach.
In Understanding Visual Population Codes – Towards a Common Multivariate Framework for Cell Recording and Functional Imaging.
Eds: Nikolaus Kriegeskorte and Gabriel Kreiman. MIT Press, in press.
Abstract and download
Ohiorhenuan, I.E., Mechler, F., Purpura, K.P., Schmid, A.M., and Victor, J.D. (2010)
Sparse coding and high-order correlations in fine-scale cortical networks.
Nature 466 617–621.
Abstract and download
Tkačik, G., Prentice, J., Victor, J.D., and Balasubramanian, V. (2010)
Local statistics in natural scenes predict the saliency of synthetic textures
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107, 18149-18154.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Purpura, K.P. (2010) Spike Metrics.
In: Analysis of Parallel Spike Trains. Ed. Stefan Rotter and Sonja Gruen. Springer, pp. 129-156.
Abstract and download
Drover, J.D., Schiff, N.D., and Victor, J.D. (2010)
Dynamics of coupled thalamocortical modules.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 28, 605-616.
Abstract and download
Ohiorhenuan, I.E., and Victor, J.D. (2010)
Information-geometric measure of 3-neuron firing patterns characterizes scale-dependence in cortical networks.
J. Comput. Neurosci., in press.
Abstract and download
Pandarinath, C., Bomash, I., Victor, J.D., Prusky, G.T., Tschetter, W.W., and Nirenberg, S. (2010)
A novel mechanism for switching a neural system from one state to another.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 4, 2, doi: 10.3389/fncom.2010.00002
Abstract and download
Jourdy, D.N., Donatelli, L.A., Victor, J.D., and Selesnick, S. H. (2010) Assessment of variation throughout the year in the incidence of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Otology and Neurotology 31, 53-57.
Abstract and download
Nirenberg, S., Bomash, I., Pillow, J.W., and Victor, J.D. (2010)
Heterogeneous response dynamics in retinal ganglion cells: the interplay of predictive coding and adaptation. J. Neurophysiol. 103, 3184-3194.
Abstract, download, and supplement
Pandarinath, C., Victor, J.D., and Nirenberg, S. (2010)
Symmetry breakdown in the ON and OFF pathways of the retina at night: functional implications.
J. Neurosci. 30,10006-10014.
Abstract and download
Hu, Q., and Victor, J.D. (2010)
A set of high-order spatiotemporal stimuli that elicit motion and reverse-phi percepts.
Journal of Vision, 10:9, 1-16, doi: 10.1167/10.3.9.
Abstract, demo, software, and download
Victor, J.D., Mechler, F., Ohiorhenuan, I.E., Schmid, A., and Purpura, K.P. (2009)
Laminar and orientation-dependent characteristics of spatial nonlinearities:
implications for the computational architecture of visual cortex.
Journal of Neurophysiology 102, 3414-3432.
Abstract, code, related presentations, and download
Goldberg, D.H., Victor, J.D., Gardner, E.P., and Gardner, D., (2009) Spike Train Analysis Toolkit:
Enabling wider application of information-theoretic techniques to neurophysiology. Neuroinformatics 7, 165-178.
Abstract, download, and code
Schmid, A.M., Purpura, K.P., Ohiorhenuan, I.E., Mechler, F., and Victor, J.D. (2009)
Subpopulations of neurons in visual area V2 perform differentiation and integration operations
in space and time.
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 3, 15, doi:10.3389/neuro.06.015.2009.
Abstract and download
Sharpee, T., and Victor, J.D. (2009) Contextual modulation of V1 receptive fields depends on their spatial symmetry. J. Computational Neurosci. 26, 203-218.
Abstract, download, code, and supplement
Conte, M.M., and Victor, J.D. (2009)
VEP indices of cortical lateral interactions in epilepsy treatment.
Vision Res. 49, 898-906.
Abstract and download
Di Lorenzo, P., Chen, J.-Y., and Victor, J.D. (2009)
Quality time: Representation of a multidimensional sensory domain through temporal coding. J. Neurosci. 29, 9227-9238.
Abstract, erratum, and download
Di Lorenzo, P.M., Platt, D. and Victor, J.D. (2009) Information processing in the parabrachial nucleus of the pons: Temporal relationships of input and output.
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1170, 365–371.
Abstract and download
Hudson, A.E., Schiff, N.D., Victor, J.D, and Purpura, K.P. (2009)
Attentional modulation of adaptation in V4.
Eur. J. Neurosci. 30,151-171.
Abstract and download
Bondar , I.V., Leopold, D.A., Richmond, B.J., Victor, J.D., and Logothetis, N.K. (2009)
Long-term stability of visual pattern selective responses of monkey temporal lobe neurons.
PLOS ONE, 4(12):e8222
Abstract and download
Smith, A.C., Shah, S., Hudson, A.E., Purpura, K.P., Victor, J.D., Brown, E.N., and Schiff, N.D. (2009)
A Bayesian statistical analysis of behavioral facilitation associated with deep brain stimulation. J. Neurosci. Meth. 183, 267-276.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Nirenberg S. (2008)
Indices for testing neural codes.
Neural Comput. 20, 2895-2936.
Abstract and download
Roussin, A.T., Victor, J.D., Chen, J.-Y., and Di Lorenzo, P.M. (2008)
Variability in responses and temporal coding of tastants of similar quality
in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the rat. J. Neurophysiol. 99, 644-655.
Abstract, download, and editorial
Victor, J.D., and Schiff, N.D. (2008)
Meeting rigorous statistical standards in case reports.
Annals of Neurology 64, 592.
Letter and download
Schiff, N.D., Giacino, J.T., Kalmar, K., Victor, J.D., Baker, K., Gerber, M., Fritz, B., Eisenberg, B., Biondi, T., O'Connor, J., Kobylarz, E.J., Farris, S., Machado, A., McCagg, C., Plum, F., Fins, J.J., and Rezai, A. R. (2007) Behavioural improvements with thalamic stimulation after severe traumatic brain injury. Nature 448, 600-603.
Abstract and related material
Oka, S., Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., and Yanagida, T. (2007)
VEPs elicited by local correlations and global symmetry: characteristics and interactions.
Vision Research 47, 2212–2222.
Abstract and download
Nirenberg, S., and Victor, J. D. (2007) Analyzing the activity of large populations of neurons - how tractable is the problem?
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 17, 397-400.
Abstract and download
Mechler, F., Ohiorhenuan, I.E., and Victor, J.D. (2007)
Speed dependence of tuning to one-dimensional features in V1.
J. Neurophysiol., 97, 2423-2438.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Blessing, E., Forte, J.D., Buzás, P., and Martin, P. R. (2007)
Response variability of marmoset parvocellular neurons. J. Physiol. (Lond) 579, 29-51.
Abstract and download
Di Lorenzo, P.M., and Victor, J.D. (2007)
Neural coding mechanisms for flow rate in taste-responsive cells
in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the rat.
J. Neurophysiol. 97, 1857-1861.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Goldberg, D., and Gardner, D. (2007)
Dynamic programming algorithms for comparing multineuronal
spike trains via cost-based metrics and alignments.
J. Neurosci. Meth. 161, 351-360.
Abstract, download, and code
Maddess, T., Nagai, Y., Victor, J.D., and Taylor, R. (2007)
Multi-level isotrigon textures. JOSA A, 24, 278-293.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D. (2006) Approaches to information-theoretic analysis of neural activity. Biological Theory 1, 302-316.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (2006) Encoding and stability of image statistics in working memory. Vision Research 46, 4152–4162.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Mechler, F., Repucci, M.A., Purpura, K.P., and Sharpee, T. (2006)
Responses of V1 neurons to two-dimensional Hermite functions.
J. Neurophysiol. 95, 379-400.
Abstract, related presentations, code, erratum, and download
Victor, J.D. (2005)
Analyzing receptive fields, classification images and functional images: challenges with opportunities for synergy.
Nature Neuroscience 8, 1651-1656.
Summary, download, and supplementary material
Victor, J.D. (2005) Spike train metrics.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 15, 585–592.
Abstract and download
Victor, J. D., and Conte, M. M. (2005)
Local processes and spatial pooling in texture and symmetry detection.
Vision Research 45, 1063-1073.
Abstract and download
Tsai, J. J., and Victor, J. D. (2005)
Binocular depth perception from unpaired image points need not depend on scene organization.
Vision Research 45, 527-532.
Abstract and download
Victor, J. D., Chubb, C., and Conte, M. M. (2005)
Interaction of luminance and higher-order statistics in texture discrimination.
Vision Research 45, 311-325.
Abstract and download
Aronov, D., and Victor, J. (2004)
Non-Euclidean properties of spike train metric spaces.
Phys. Rev. E69, 61905.
Abstract, download, and related notes
Jen, A., Sanelli, P.C., Banthia, V., Victor, J.D., and Selesnick, S.H. (2004)
Relationship of petrous temporal bone pneumatization to the Eustachian tube lumen. Laryngoscope 114, 656-60.
Victor, J. D., and Conte, M. M. (2004)
Visual working memory for image statistics.
Vision Research 44, 541-556.
Abstract and download
Di Lorenzo, P.M, and Victor, J.D. (2003)
Taste response variability and temporal coding in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the rat.
J. Neurophysiol. 90, 1418-1433.
Abstract, download, and editorial
Vitaz, T.W., Marx, W., Victor, J.D., and Gutin, P.H. (2003)
Comparison of conscious sedation and general anesthesia for motor mapping and resection of tumors located near motor cortex.
Neurosurgical Focus 15(1):07/01/2003.
Published online
Victor, J.D., and Knight, B.W. (2003)
Simultaneously band and space limited functions in two dimensions, and receptive fields of visual neurons.
Springer Applied Mathematical Sciences Series. pp. 375-420. Eds: E.Kaplan, J. Marsden, and K. R. Sreenivasan. Springer.
Abstract, related presentations, code, and download (with erratum)
Victor, J.D., and Brown, E. (2003)
Information and statistical structure in spike trains.
Network 14, 1-4.
Abstract and download
Aronov, D., Reich, D.S., Mechler, F., and Victor, J.D. (2003)
Neural coding of spatial phase in V1 of the macaque monkey.
J. Neurophysiol. 89, 3304-3327.
Abstract and download
Tsai, J.J., and Victor, J.D. (2003)
Reading a population code: a multi-scale neural model for representing binocular disparity.
Vision Research 43, 445-466.
Abstract and download
Mao, B.-Q., MacLeish, P.R., and Victor, J.D. (2003)
Role of hyperpolarization-activated currents for the intrinsic dynamics of isolated retinal neurons.
Biophysical Journal 84, 2756-2767.
Victor, J.D. (2002)
Binless strategies for estimation of information from neural data.
Phys. Rev. E. 66, 51903.
Abstract, related presentations, erratum, and download
Casti, A., Omurtag, A., Sornborger, A., Kaplan, E.,
Sirovich, L., Knight, B., and Victor, J.D. (2002)
A population study of integrate-and-fire-or-burst neurons.
Neural Computation 14, 957-986.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M. (2002)
Temporal phase discrimination depends critically on separation.
Vision Research 42, 2063-2071.
Abstract, stimuli, and download
Mao, B., MacLeish, P.R., and Victor, J.D. (2002)
Channel kinetics and intrinsic dynamics of bipolar cells.
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 12, 147-163.
Abstract and download
Mechler, F., Reich, D.S., and Victor, J.D. (2002)
Detection and discrimination of relative spatial phase by V1 neurons.
J. Neurosci. 22, 6129-6157.
Abstract and download
Repucci, M.A., Schiff, N.D., and Victor, J.D. (2001)
General strategy for hierarchical decomposition of multivariate
time series: implications for temporal lobe seizures.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 29, 1135-1149.
Abstract, downloads, and access to software
Reich, D.S., Mechler, F., and Victor, J.D. (2001)
Independent and redundant information in nearby cortical neurons.
Science 294, 2566-2568.
Abstract, download, and commentary
Benton, C.P., Johnston, A., McOwan, P.W. and Victor, J.D (2001)
Computational modelling of non-Fourier motion: further evidence for a single luminance based mechanism.
J.Opt. Soc. Amer. A18, 2204-2208.
Abstract and downloads
Reich, D.S., Mechler, F., and Victor, J.D. (2001)
Temporal coding of contrast in primary visual cortex: when, what, and why?
J. Neurophysiol. 85, 1039-1050.
Abstract and downloads
Reich, D.S., Mechler, F., and Victor, J.D. (2001)
Formal and attribute-specific information in primary visual cortex.
J. Neurophysiol. 85, 305-318.
Abstract and downloads
Davey, M.P., Victor, J.D., and Schiff, N.D. (2000)
Power spectra and coherence in the EEG of a
vegetative patient with severe asymmetric brain damage.
Clinical Neurophysiology 111, 1949-1954.
Abstract, key figures, and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M. (2000)
Two-frequency analysis of interactions elicited by vernier stimuli.
Visual Neuroscience 17, 959-973.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D. (2000)
How the brain uses time to represent and process visual information.
In Towards 2010 - A Brain Odyssey. ed: F. Bloom.
Brain Res. 886, 33-46.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M. (2000)
Illusory contour strength does not depend on the dynamics or
relative phase of the inducers. Vision Research 40, 3475-3483.
Abstract, key figure, and download
Tsai, J.J., and Victor, J.D. (2000)
Neither occlusion constraint nor binocular disparity accounts for the
perceived depth in the "sieve effect."
Vision Research 40, 2265-2276.
Abstract and download
Hirsch, J., Ruge, M.I., Kim, K.H.S., Correa, D.D., Victor J.D., Relkin, N.R., Labar, D.R., Krol, G., Bilsky,
M.H., Souweidane, M.M., DeAngelis, L.M., & Gutin P.H. (2000) An integrated fMRI procedure for
preoperative mapping of cortical areas associated with tactile, motor, language, and visual functions.
Neurosurgery 47, 711-722.
Abstract and download
Mechler, F., and Victor, J.D. (2000)
Comparison of thresholds for high-speed drifting vernier and a
matched temporal phase discrimination task.
Vision Research 40, 1839-1855.
Abstract, abbreviated version, key figures, and download
Reich, D.S., Mechler, F., Purpura, K.P., and Victor, J.D. (2000)
Interspike intervals, receptive fields, and
information encoding in primary visual cortex. J. Neurosci. 20, 1964-1974.
Abstract and downloads
Victor, J.D. (2000)
Asymptotic bias in information estimates and
the exponential (Bell) polynomials.
Neural Computation 12, 2797-2804.
Abstract and download
Ruge, M.I., Victor J.D., Hosain S., Correa, D.D., Relkin, N.R., Tabar, V., Brennan, C., Gutin P.H., and
Hirsch, J. (1999) Concordance between functional magnetic resonance imaging and intraoperative
language mapping. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 72, 95-102.
Victor, J.D., Apkarian, P.A., Hirsch, J., Conte, M.M.,
Packard, M., Relkin, N.R., Kim, K.H.S., and Shapley, R.M. (2000)
Visual function and brain organization in non-decussating retinal-fugal fibre
syndrome. Cerebral Cortex 10, 2-22.
Abstract, key figure, and download
Victor, J.D. (1999)
Temporal aspects of neural coding in the retina and lateral geniculate: a review.
Network 10, R1-66.
Abstract and downloads
Victor, J.D., and Purpura, K.P. (1999)
Estimation of information in neuronal responses.
Trends in Neurosciences 22, 543.
Text and references
Schiff, N.D., Purpura, K.P., and Victor, J.D. (1999)
Gating of local network signals appears as stimulus-dependent activity
envelopes in striate cortex.
J. Neurophysiol. 82, 2182-2196.
Abstract, key figure, and downloads
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M. (1999) Short-range vernier acuity: Interactions
of temporal frequency, temporal phase, and stimulus polarity.
Vision Research 39, 3351-3371.
Abstract, key figure, and download
Schiff, N.D., Labar, D.R., and Victor, J.D. (1999) Common dynamics in
temporal lobe seizures and absence seizures. Neuroscience 91, 417-428.
Abstract and key figure
Eisenman, D.J., Selesnick, S.H., Victor, J.D., and DiGoy, G.P. (1999)
Topical papaverine and facial nerve dysfunction in cerebellopontine angle
surgery. American Journal of Otology 20, 77-80.
Reich, D.S., Victor, J.D., and Knight, B.W. (1998) The power ratio and
the interval map: spiking models and extracellular data. J. Neurosci. 18,
Abstract, key figure, and downloads
Mechler, F., Victor, J.D., Purpura, K.P., and Shapley, R. (1998) Robust
temporal coding of contrast by V1 neurons for transient but not steady-state
stimuli. J. Neurosci. 18, 6583-6598.
Abstract and downloads
Victor, J.D., and Purpura, K.P. (1998) Spatial phase and the temporal
structure of the response to gratings in V1. J. Neurophysiol. 80, 554-571.
Abstract and downloads
Selesnick, S.H., DiGoy, G.P., Ptachewich, Y., Rubin, M., and Victor,
J.D. (1998) Predictive value of postoperative electrophysiological testing
of the facial nerve after cerebellopontine angle surgery. Skull Base Surgery
8, 141-148.
Victor, J.D., Purpura, K.P., and Conte, M.M. (1998) Chromatic and luminance
interactions in spatial contrast signals. Visual Neuroscience 15, 607-624.
Abstract, key figure, and download
Mao, B., MacLeish, P.R., and Victor, J.D. (1998) The intrinsic dynamics
of retinal bipolar cells isolated from tiger salamander. Visual Neuroscience
15, 425-438.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Purpura, K.P. (1997) Sensory coding in cortical neurons:
recent results and speculations. In: Frontiers of Neurology: A Symposium
in Honor of Fred Plum. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 835,
Abstract and key figures
Victor, J.D., and Purpura, K. (1997) Metric-space analysis of spike
trains: theory, algorithms, and application. Network 8, 127-164.
Abstract, code, and downloads
Reich, D.S., Victor, J.D., Knight, B.W., Ozaki, T., and Kaplan, E. (1997)
Response variability and timing precision of neuronal spike trains in vivo.
J. Neurophysiol. 77, 2836-2841.
Summary, key figure, and downloads
Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., and Purpura, K.P. (1997) Dynamic shifts of
the contrast-response function. Visual Neuroscience 14, 577-587.
Selesnick, S.H., Victor, J.D., Tikoo, R.K., and Eisenman, D.J. (1997)
Predictive value of intraoperative brainstem auditory evoked responses
in surgery for conductive hearing losses. American Journal of Otology 18,
Taub, E., Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1997) Nonlinear preprocessing
in short-range motion. Vision Research 37, 1459-1477.
Abstract, key construction, controversy, and download
Joseph, J.S., Victor, J.D., and Optican, L.M. (1997) Scaling effects
in the perception of higher-order spatial correlations. Vision Research
37, 3097-3197.
Summary and download
Reid, R.C., Victor, J.D., and Shapley, R.M. (1997) The use of m-sequences in the analysis of visual neurons: Linear receptive field properties. Visual Neuroscience 14, 1015-1027. Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Purpura, K. (1996) Nature and precision of temporal
coding in visual cortex: a metric-space analysis. J. Neurophysiol. 76,
Summary, key figure, code, and downloads
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1996) The role of high-order phase correlations
in texture processing. Vision Research 36, 1615-1631.
Abstract and download
Selesnick, S.H., Carew, J.F., Victor, J.D., Heise, C., and Levine, J.
(1996) Predictive value of facial nerve electrophysiologic stimulation
thresholds in cerebellopontine angle surgery. Laryngoscope 106, 633-638.
Schiff, N.D., Victor, J.D., Canel, A., and Labar, D.R. (1995) Characteristic
nonlinearities of the 3/second ictal EEG identified by nonlinear autoregressive
analysis. Biological Cybernetics 72, 519-526.
Abstract, download, and key figure
Schiff, N.D., Victor, J.D., and Canel, A. (1995) Nonlinear autoregressive
analysis of the 3/second ictal EEG: implications for underlying dynamics.
Biological Cybernetics 72, 527-532.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., Purpura, K., and Katz, E. (1995) Isodipole
textures: a window on cortical mechanisms of form processing. In Early
Vision and Beyond. eds. T. Papathomas, C. Chubb, A. Gorea, E. Kowler. Cambridge,
The MIT Press. pp. 99 - 107.
Abstract, summary, and key figure
Hirsch, J. DeLaPaz, R., Relkin, N., Victor, J., Kim, K., Li, T., Borden,
P., Rubin, N., and Shapley, R. (1995) Illusory contours activate specific
regions in human visual cortex: functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
evidence for perceptual grouping processes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
92, 6469-6473.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Purpura, K., Katz, E., and Mao, B. (1994) Population encoding
of spatial frequency, orientation, and color in macaque V1. J. Neurophysiol.
72, 2151-2166.
Summary, key figure, and downloads
Victor, J. (1994) Images, statistics, and textures: a comment on "Implications
of triple correlation uniqueness for texture statistics and the Julesz
conjecture." J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A11, 1680-1684.
Summary, background, and download
Benardete, E. A., and Victor, J.D. (1994) An extension of the m-sequence
technique for the analysis of multi-input nonlinear systems. In Advanced
Methods of Physiological Systems Modeling, Volume III, ed. V. Z. Marmarelis.
New York, Plenum. pp. 87-110.
Abstract, algorithm, notes, background, and download
Joseph, J.S., and Victor, J.D. (1994) A continuum of non-Gaussian self-similar
image ensembles with white power spectra. Spatial Vision 8, 503-513.
Purpura, K., Victor, J.D., and Katz, E. (1994) Striate cortex extracts
higher-order spatial correlations from visual textures. Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. USA 91, 8482-8486.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1994) Investigation of a patient with
severely impaired direction discrimination: evidence against the intersection-of-
constraints model. Vision Research 34, 267-277.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., Burton, L., and Nass, R. D. (1993) Visual
evoked potentials in dyslexics and normals: failure to find a difference
in transient or steady-state responses. Visual Neuroscience 10, 939-946.
Abstract, download, and comment
Darnell, R., Victor, J.D., Rubin, M., Plum, F., and Clouston, P. (1993)
A novel antineuronal antibody in stiff-man syndrome.
Neurology 43, 114-120.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1992) Evoked potential and psychophysical
analysis of Fourier and non-Fourier motion mechanisms. Visual Neuroscience
9, 105-123.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1992) Coherence and transparency of moving
plaids composed of Fourier and non-Fourier gratings. Perception and Psychophysics
52, 403-414.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Canel, A. (1992) A relation between the Akaike criterion
and reliability of parameter estimates, with application to nonlinear autoregressive
modelling of ictal EEG. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 20, 167-180.
Abstract and download
Maiese, K., Walker, R.W., Gargan, R., and Victor, J.D. (1992)
Intra-arterial cisplatin-associated optic and otic toxicity.
Archives of Neurology 49, 83-86.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Conte, M.M., and Iadecola, C. (1991)
Ocular dependence of hemifield visual evoked
potentials: Relevance to bilateral cortical representation of central vision.
Clinical Vision Sciences 6, 261-276.
Summary and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1991)
Spatial organization of nonlinear interactions in form perception.
Vision Research 31, 1457-1488.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Mast, J. (1991)
A new statistic for steady-state evoked potentials.
Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 78, 378-388.
Abstract, erratum, and download
Mast, J., and Victor, J.D. (1991)
Fluctuations of steady-state VEP's:
Interaction of driven evoked potentials and the EEG.
Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol. 78, 389-401.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D. (1991)
Asymptotic approach of generalized orthogonal functional expansions to Wiener kernels.
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 19, 383-399.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1990)
Motion mechanisms have only limited access to form information.
Vision Research 30, 289-301.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Maiese, K., Shapley, R., Sidtis, J., and Gazzaniga, M.S. (1989)
Acquired central dyschromatopsia: analysis of a case with preservation
of color discrimination. Clinical Vision Sciences 4, 183-196.
Summary and download
Victor, J.D., and Conte, M.M. (1989) Cortical interactions in texture
processing: scale and dynamics Visual Neuroscience 2, 297-313.
Abstract and download
Gutowitz, H., and Victor, J.D. (1989) Local structure theory: calculation
on hexagonal arrays, interaction of rule and lattice. J. Stat. Phys. 54,
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Victor, J.D. (1989) Temporal impulse responses from flicker sensitivities:
causality, linearity, and amplitude data do not determine phase. J. Opt.
Soc. Amer. A6, 1302-1303.
Summary and download
Victor, J.D. (1988) Models for preattentive texture discrimination:
Fourier analysis and local feature processing in a unified framework. Spatial
Vision 3, 263-280.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D. (1988) Evaluation of poor performance and asymmetry in
the Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test. Invest. Ophth. Vis. Sci. 29, 476-481.
Abstract, download, and statistical tables
Victor, J.D. (1988) The dynamics of the cat retinal Y cell subunit.
J. Physiol. 405, 289-320.
Summary and download
Victor, J.D. (1987) The dynamics of the cat retinal X cell centre. J.
Physiol. 386, 219-246.
Summary and download
Victor, J.D. (1987) The fractal dimension of a test signal: implications
for system identification procedures. Biological Cybernetics 57, 421-426.
Abstract and download
Gutowitz, H., and Victor, J.D. (1987) Local structure theory in more
than one dimension. Complex Systems 1, 57-68.
Abstract and download
Gutowitz, H., Victor, J.D., and Knight, B.W. (1987) Local structure
theory for cellular automata. Physica D 28, 18-48.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Johanessma, P.M. (1986) Maximum-entropy approximations
of stochastic nonlinear transductions: an extension of the Wiener theory.
Biological Cybernetics 54, 289-300.
Abstract, comment, and download
Victor, J.D. (1986) Isolation of components due to intracortical processing
in the visual evoked potential. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 7984-7988.
Abstract and download
Shapley, R., and Victor, J.D. (1986) Hyperacuity in cat retinal ganglion
cells. Science 231, 999-1002.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Buchwald, E., and Devinsky, O. (1986) VEP analysis of
parafoveal visual loss in multiple sclerosis. Clinical Vision Sciences
1, 113-118.
Summary and download
Gutowitz, H., Zemon, V., Victor, J.D., and Knight, B.W. (1986) Source
geometry and dynamics of the visual evoked potential. Electroenceph. Clin.
Neurophysiol. 64, 308-327.
Victor, J.D. (1985)
Complex visual textures as a tool for studying the VEP.
Vision Res. 25, 1811-1827.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Zemon, V. (1985)
The human visual evoked potential: Analysis of components due to elementary and complex aspects of form.
Vision Res. 25, 1829-1842.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Zemon, V. (1984)
Separation of components of the pattern VER using complex visual textures.
Proc. Sixth Annu. Conf. IEEE Engineering in Medcine and Biology Society, 420-425.
Abstract and download
Devinsky, O., Hafler, D., and Victor, J.D. (1982)
Embarrassment as the aura of a complex partial seizure.
Neurology 32, 1284-1285.
Abstract and download
Shapley, R., and Victor, J.D. (1981)
How the contrast gain control modifies the frequency responses of cat retinal ganglion cells.
J. Physiol. 318, 161-179.
Abstract and download
Shapley, R., and Victor, J.D. (1980)
The effect of contrast on the non-linear response of the Y cell.
J. Physiol. 302, 535-547.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Shapley, R.M. (1980)
A method of nonlinear analysis in the frequency domain.
Biophys. J. 29, 459-484.
Abstract and download
Milkman, N., Schick, G., Rossetto, M., Ratliff, F., Shapley, R., and Victor, J.D. (1980)
A two-dimensional computer-controlled visual stimulator.
Beh. Res. Meth. & Instrum. 12, 283-290.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D. (1979)
A counting problem arising in nonlinear systems analysis.
Utilitas Mathematica 16, 151-156.
Abstract and download
Shapley, R.M., and Victor, J.D. (1979)
The contrast gain control of the cat retina.
Vision Res. 19, 431-434.
Abstract and download
Shapley, R.M., and Victor, J.D. (1979)
Nonlinear spatial summation and the contrast gain control of cat retinal ganglion cells.
J. Physiol. 290, 141-161.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D. (1979)
Nonlinear systems analysis: comparison of white noise and sum of sinusoids in a biological system.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 996-998.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Knight, B.W. (1979)
Nonlinear analysis with an arbitrary stimulus ensemble.
Quart. Appl. Math. 2, 113-136.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Shapley, R.M. (1979)
Receptive field mechanisms of cat X and Y retinal ganglion cells.
J. Gen. Physiol. 74, 275-298.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Shapley, R.M. (1979)
The nonlinear pathway of Y ganglion cells in the cat retina.
J. Gen. Physiol. 74, 671-689.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., and Brodie, S. (1978)
Discriminable textures with identical Buffon Needle statistics.
Biological Cybernetics 31, 231-234.
Abstract and download
Julesz, B., Gilbert, E., and Victor, J.D. (1978)
Visual discrimination of textures with Identical third-order statistics.
Biological Cybernetics 31, 137-140.
Abstract and download
Shapley, R.M., and Victor, J.D. (1978)
The effect of contrast on the transfer properties of cat retinal ganglion cells.
J. Physiol. 285, 275-298.
Abstract and download
Victor, J.D., Shapley, R.M., and Knight, B.W. (1977)
Nonlinear analysis of cat retinal ganglion cells in the frequency domain.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74, 3068-3072.
Abstract and download