Peabody Laboratory of Auditory Physiology
Eye and Ear Infirmary
We will present an overview of the problem of neural coding of sensory
information and present the example of
the interspike interval coding of pitch and timbre in the auditory system. The first part of the talk will address
general aspects of the neural coding problem as it is applied to problems of
perception. There are several approaches. Systems identification techniques
characterize response properties of neural elements (response prediction),
information-theoretic approaches
determine stimulus-related information content in spike trains (stimulus
retrodiction), while perceptual coding approaches determine which aspects of
neural activity covary with perceptual capabilities (psychoneural
correspondence). Many possible neural
codes can be contemplated. A coding space arises from the ways which information can be conveyed through neural
ensemble activity: 1) which channels are activated (labelled lines,
"place" codes), 2) how much they are activated (rate codes), 3)
temporal patterns of spikes (interspike interval codes), and 4) time-of-arrival
codes (relative latencies, interneural synchronies). Potential codes also
include temporal and spatial sequences and joint occurences of events.
Combinations of codes are common (rate-channel, latency-place). Stimulus coding can be achieved through
extrinsically-impressed response patterns (mass statistics of stimulus-driven
structure) or through activation of intrinsic response patterns
(e.g.stimulus-specific impulse response shapes).
The coding of pitch in the auditory system provides a salient
example of how stimulus qualities can be encoded through extrinsic,
stimulus-driven temporal correlations between spikes. In the auditory nerve and
cochlear nucleus, acoustic stimuli impress their time structure on the
responses of many neurons, such that all-order interspike interval
distributions reflect the correlation structure of the stimulus as it presents
itself after cochlear filtering. Observed interspike interval distributions
from 50-100 fibers with different characteristic frequencies are
summed together to form an estimate of the population-interval distribution of
the auditory nerve. Population-interval distributions for many different
stimuli that produce the same pitch (metameric
stimuli allow one to hold the percept constant while varying the
stimulus) are compared and different aspects of these distributions are
evaluated with respect to how well they predict pitch judgements (and various
"illusions"). Almost without exception, the most common interval in
the population-interval distribution predicts the pitch that is heard (to
within 1%), and the relative fraction of pitch-related intervals amongst all
others qualitatively predicts the salience (strength) of that pitch. What is
striking about these population-interval representations is that they are
purely temporal they are based on temporal correlations between spikes rather
than on which neurons have produced how many spikes. In population-interval
distributions, all of the information about the identities of particular fibers
and their tunings has been thrown away, yet the resulting sensory
representation is highly accurate and extremely robust. Secondly, this is a
clear example of a population-based neural code in which perceptual qualities
are determined by asynchronous, temporal micropatterns of activity distributed
over entire ensembles (mass statistics, correlations), rather than local
activations of particular subsets of neurons (switchboards, across neuron
patterns). Stimulus coding by temporal correlation is potentially available in
any sensory system that phase-locks to its adequate stimulus (auditory,
mechanoception, vision, electroception). Time and interest permitting, we will
also discuss neural architectures (coincidence arrays, neural timing nets) that
analyze these kinds of sensory representations.
Cariani, P. 1999. Temporal coding of periodicity pitch in the
system: an overview. Neural Plasticity 6(4):147-172.
Cariani, Peter A., and Bertrand Delgutte. 1996a. Neural
correlates of
the pitch of complex tones. I. Pitch and pitch salience. J.
Cariani, Peter A., and Bertrand Delgutte. 1996b. Neural
correlates of
the pitch of complex tones. II. Pitch shift, pitch ambiguity,
phase-invariance, pitch circularity, and the dominance region
for pitch.
J. Neurophysiol.