Can I help you find your Erdos number?

What is an Erdos number?

Are you linked to Erdos through me?

If you published with me, then (since my Erdos number is 2), your Erdos number is 3 or less. Your name should be in the list below; if not, please let me know.
Abbey, Craig
Agarwal, Sachin
Aguilar, Guillermo
Ahissar, Ehud
Allanson, Judith
Alvarez-Salvado, Efren
Apkarian, Patricia A.
Aronov, Dmitriy
Aytekin, Murat
Azor, Ruth (Erdos number = 2)
Bagiella, Emilia
Baker, Jonathan L.
Baker, Kenneth
Balasubramanian, Vijay
Banthia, Vishal
Bardin, Jonathan C.
Barra, Megan E.
Bass, Caroline E.
Beattie, Bradley
Benardete, Ethan A.
Bensmaia, Sliman
Benton, Christopher P.
Bergin, Michael
Berlin, David A.
Bilsky, Mark H.
Biondi, Tracey
Blessing, Esther M. photo
Bodien, Yelena G.
Boehme, Amelia K.
Boi, Marco
Boie, Sebastian D.
Bomash, Illya
Bondar, Igor
Bonhomme, Arthur
Borden, Peter
Boughter Jr., John D.
Bowers, Norick R.
Breakspear, Michael
Brennan, Cameron
Briguglio, John J.
Brodie, Daniel
Brodie, Scott
Bronte-Stewart, Helen M.
Brown, Emery
Buchwald, Eugene
Burr, David
Burton, Leslie
Bush, Jacob
Butson, Christopher R.
Buzas, Peter
Canel, Annemarie
Cardone, Paolo
Carew, John F.
Carmona, Jerina
Casile, Antonino
Casti, Alex
Chatelle, Camille
Chaudari, Nirupa
Chen, Jen-Yung
Chennu, Srivas
Choi, Eun Young
Choi, Jacky M.
Chua, Jason
Chubb, Charles
Claassen, Jan
Clark, Ashley
Cleland, Thomas
Clouston, Paul
Connor, Erin G.
Conte, Mary M.
Correa, Denise D.
Crimaldi, John P.
Curley, William H.
D'Agostino, Alexandra
Darnell, Robert
Davey, Matt
DeAngelis, Lisa M.
DeGeorge, Laurel
Dehaene, Stanislas
DeLaPaz, Robert
Denman, Alexander
Der Nigoghossian, Caroline
Desroches, Mathieu
Destexhe, Alain
Devinsky, Orrin
DiGoy, G. Paul
Dijkmen, Sureyya S.
Dimitrov, Alexander G.
Di Lorenzo, Patricia M.
Donatelli, Luke A.
Doyle, Kevin
Drover, Jonathan D.
Edlow, Brian L.
Eisenberg, B.
Eisenman, David J.
Elder, James H.
Elder, Jessica
Ermentrout, G. Bard
Escanilla, Olga
Farris, Sierra M.
Finoia, P.
Fins, Joseph J.
Fletcher, Max
Fogarty, Adam S.
Freed, Jacob D.
Fridman, Esteban A.
Fritz, B.
Fooden, Andrew
Forgacs, Peter B.
Forte, Jason D. photo
Foulkes, Andrea S.
Foxman, Brett
Ganglberger, Wolfgang
Gardner, Daniel
Gardner, Esther P.
Gargan, Ruth
Gattuso, Hannah C.
Gazzaniga, Michael S.
Geffen, Maria
Gerber, Linda M.
Gerber, M.
Giacino, Joseph T.
Gilbert, Ed
Gillis, Joseph (Erdos number = 1)
Goldberg, David H.
Goldfine, Andrew M.
Gosseries, Olivia
Groulx, Kier
Guidolin, Andrea
Gutin, Philip H.
Gutowitz, Howard
Hafler, David
Harris, Ari L.
Haselkorn, David
van Hassel, Karin A.
Heinonen, Gregory
Heise, Carl
Henderson, Jaimie M.
Hermundstad, Ann M.
Hersch, Jennifer E.
Hirsch, Joy
Hoffman, Katherine
Hosain, Syed
Houghton, Conor
Hu, Qin
Hudson, Andrew E.
Iadecola, Constantine
Intoy, Janis
Isherwood, Zoey J.
Jain, Parul
Janson, Andrew P.
Jen, Albert S.
Johnston, Alan
Jones, Rebecca M.
Joseph, Julian S.
Joukes, Jeroen
Jourdy, Deya N.
Julesz, Bela
Kagan, Igor
Kalmar, Kathleen
Kamau, Evelyn
Kaplan, Ehud
Katz, Donald B.
Katz, Douglas I.
Katz, Ephraim
Kim, Karl H.S.
King, Benjamin N.M.
Knight, Bruce W.
Kobylarz, Erik J.
Kolakowsky-Hayner, Stephanie
Krekelberg, Bart
Krel, Mark
Kreuz, Thomas
Krol, George
Kuang, Xutao
Labar, Douglas R.
Laureys, Steven
Lawrence, Phoebe K.
Lazar, Aurel A.
Lei, Hong
Leopold, David
Levine, Jennifer
Li, Yuanhao H.
Li, Tao
Licata, Angela M.
Lin, Yen-Chu
Liston, Conor
Loe, Maren
Logothetis, Nikos
Lupson, Victoria C.
Machado, Andre G.
MacLeish, Peter
Maddess, Ted
Maiese, Kenneth
Maldonado, Jose R.
Mao, BuQing
Maresh, Alison
Martin, Paul R. photo
Martins, Olga F.
Marx, William
Mast, Joelle
May, Christina E.
McCagg, Caroline O.
McDermott, Josh
McHugh, Margaret
McOwan, Peter
Mechler, Ferenc
Melman, Tamar
Menon, David
Meydan, Anogue
Milkman, Norman
Mittel, Aaron M.
Mostofi, Naghmeh
Mozley, Paul D.
Mukerji, Shibani S.
Naccache, Lionel
Nagai, Yoshinori
Nagel, Katherine I.
Nass, Ruth D.
Nauvel, Tanya J.
Nichols, Zachary W.
Niemeyer, James
Nirenberg, Sheila
Nitzany, Eyal I.
Noble, Chelsea
Noirhomme, Quentin
Nuñez, Kavin M.
O'Connell, Flynn P.
O'Connor, J.
Ohiorhenuan, Ifije
Ohla, Kathrin
Oka, Sadanori
Omurtag, Ahmet
Optican, Lance M.
Osborne, Joseph R.
O'Sullivan, K.
Owen, Adrian M.
Ozaki, Tsuyoshi
Packard, Maurine
Palmer, Stephanie
Pandarinath, Chethan
Park, Soojin
Pecht, Israel
Pickard, John
Pilato, Steven A.
Pillow, Jonathan W.
Plum, Fred
Poletti, Martina
Prentice, Jason S.
Prusky, Glen T.
Ptachewich, Yael
Puckett, Alexander M.
Purpura, Keith P.
Radovan, Matthew T.
Raj, Ashish
Rajasethupathy, Priya
Ratliff, Floyd
de la Rea, Beatriz
Reich, Daniel S.
Reich, Shimon
Reid, R. Clay
Relkin, Norman
Repucci, Michael A.
Rezai, Ali R.
Richmond, Barry
Riman, Nour
Roberts, James A.
Rodrigues, Serafim
Roh, David
Rohout, Benjamin
Roper, Stephen D.
Rosen, Andrew M.
Rossetto, Michaelangelo
Roussin, Andre T.
Rubin, Michael
Rubin, Nava
Rucci, Michele
Ruge, Maximilian
Rutt, Brian
Safavynia, Seyed A.
Salazar-Schiccihi, John
Sammons, Joshua D.
Sanders, William R.
Sanelli, Pina C.
Schaefer, Andreas
Schenck, Edward J.
Schick, Gary
Schiff, Nicholas D.
Schira, Mark M.
Schmid, Anita M.
Schmuker, Michael
Selesnick, Samuel H.
Shah, Sudhin A. (Thomas, Sudhin A.)
Shapley, Robert M.
Sharpee, Tatyana
Shen, Qi
Sholle, Evan
Sidtis, John
Silver, Benjamin M.
Sirovich, Lawrence
Sitt, Jacobo D.
Smith, Anne C.
Smith, Brian H.
Soddhu, Andrea
Sornborger, Andrew
Souweidane, Mark M.
Stamatakis, Emmanuel A.
Stavropoulos, Nicholas
Su, Jason H.
Tabar, Vivian
Taub, Ethan
Taylor, Ryan R.L.
Temkin, Nancy
Terceros, Andrea
Tesileanu, Tiberiu
Thengone, Daniel J.
Thibaoult, Aurore
Thonnard, Marie
Tikoo, Ravinder K.
Tkacik, Gasper
Tourdias, Thomas
True, Aaron C.
Tsai, Jeffrey J.
Tschetter, W.W.
Valente, Melanie
Velazquez, Angela G.
Verhagen, Justus V.
Vitaz, Todd W.
Voss, Henning U.
Vrosgou, Athina
Waldrop, Greer
Walker, Russell W.
Walline, Maria C.
Waraich, Suniyya A.
Waters, Abigail
Weiss, Michael S. (Goldberg, Michael S.)
Westover, M. Brandon
Williams, Shawniqua T.
Xu, Sam (Xu, Yueyang)
Yadav, Nakul
Yanagida, Toshio
Yoshida, Ryusuke
Yu, Yunguo
Zaidi, Qasim
Zemon, Vance
Zhao, Zhetuo
Zhou, David W.
Zucker, Steven W.
Zuley, Margaret

What is my link to Erdos?

Azor, R., Gillis, J., and Victor, J.D. (1982) Combinatorial applications of Hermite polynomials. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 13, 879-890.

This paper provides a combinatorial interpretation for integrals of triple- (and higher-order) products of Hermite polynomials.

Joseph Gillis has an Erdos number of 1.

Your Einstein number

If you are on this page, your Einstein number is 4 or less. This is via the link to me, followed by the above link to Gillis, followed by

Gillis, J., and Kaufman, B., (1962) The stability of a rotating viscous jet. Quart. Appl. Math. 1962, 19, 301-308.

Einstein, A., and Kaufman, B., (1955) A new form of the general relativistic field equations. Ann. of Math. (2) 62, 128-138.

The above information is from Doron Zeilberg's website.

Last revised: 03/12/25