Jonathan D. Victor, Ph.D., M.D.

Professor, Brain and Mind Research Institute and Department of Neurology

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Old travel photos: Ecuador Kenya and Tanzania India Australia Yellowstone
Last revised: 03/11/25

Collaborators and alumni

Click here for current lab members
Zoe Adams Undergraduate Student (2015-2017)
Dmitriy Aronov HS Student (2000-2001)
Ana Ashurova Research Aide (2005-2006)
Vijay Balasubramanian University of Pennsylvania
Sebastian Boie Postdoctoral Fellow (2016-2018)
Scott Brodie New York University Ophthalmology
Jacob Bush Undergraduate Student (2016-2017)
Alex Casti Postdoctoral Associate (2001-2002)
Charles Chubb, PhD UC Irvine Cognitive Science; Visiting Faculty (2002-2003; 2012)
William Curley Undergraduate Student (2015-2017)
Matt Davey Visiting Student (1998-1999)
Matt Davey died tragically on April 2, 2005, in a helicopter crash on Nias, Indonesia, where he, a Lieutenant in the Australian Navy reserves, was assisting in the earthquake relief efforts.
Australian Navy Memorial Site
Robert DeBellis Graduate Fellow (1997-2004)
Jason DeBlois University of Pittsburgh Department of Mathematics
Patricia DiLorenzo State University of New York at Binghamton Psychology
Eduard Einstein University of Pittsburgh Department of Mathematics
Lilan Evans Undergraduate Student (2017)
Peter Forgacs Instructor and Assistant Professor (2015-2020)
Joe Fins Weill Cornell Medical College Medicine, Medical Ethics, and Public Health
Dan Gardner Weill Cornell Medical College Physiology and Biophysics and the Laboratory of Neuroinformatics
Andrew Goldfine Assistant Professor (2009-2014)

Jackie Gottshall Uniformed Services University
Joy Hirsch Columbia University Neuroscience
Ann Hermundstad Janelia Research Campus
Qin Hu Graduate Fellow (2006-2012)
Andrew Hudson Biomedical Fellow (2001-2009)
Parul JainMount Sinai School of Medicine
Steve Kalik Graduate Fellow (1998-2003)
Ehud Kaplan Mount Sinai School of Medicine Ophthalmology
Armen Kherlopian Graduate Fellow (2007-2010)
Bruce Knight Rockefeller University
Erik Kobylarz Dartmouth Department of Neurology
Yen-Chu Lin Barnard College
Bu-Qing Mao Graduate Fellow (1991-1996)
Paul Martin The University of Sydney
Ferenc Mechler Postdoctoral Fellow, Instructor, and Assistant Professor (1996-2012)
Tamar Melman Graduate Fellow (2014-2018)
Partha Mitra Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories, Professor
Tania Nauvel Graduate Fellow (2011-2017)
Sheila Nirenberg Weill Cornell Medical College Physiology and Biophysics
Eyal Nitzany Graduate Fellow (2011-2015)
Ifije Ohiorhenuan Biomedical Fellow (2004-2012)
Sadanori Oka Visiting Fellow (2004-2007)
Daniel Reich Biomedical Fellow (1995-2002)
Clay Reid Biomedical Fellow (1983-1990)
Norm Relkin Weill Cornell Medical College - NYPH Neurology
Mike Repucci Graduate Fellow (1998-2004)
Syed Rizvi Research Assistant (2013-2016)
Michele Rucci University of Rochester Active Perception Laboratory
Anita Schmid, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow and Instructor (2006-2014)
Ted Schwartz Weill Cornell Medical College - NYPH Neurosurgery
Samuel Selesnick Weill Cornell Medical College - NYPH Otorhinolaryngology
Sudhin Thomas Shah Weill Cornell Medical College - Neuroscience in Rehabilitation Medicine
Robert Shapley New York University Center for Neural Science
Tatyana Sharpee UCSF Department of Physiology and Sloan-Swartz Center for Theoretical Neurobiology
Larry Sirovich Rockefeller University
Daniel Thengone Fred Plum Graduate Fellow (2014-2017)
Jeffrey Tsai Biomedical Fellow (1996-2003)
Suniyya Waraich postdoctoral associate, Schofield Lab, University of California at Davis
Yunguo Yu, MD, PhD Instructor (2011-2015)

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Journal of Computational Neuroscience
Neural Computation
Vision Research


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