Sites related to

'Molecular Approaches to Biological Problems'

This is a list of web sites that include material relevant to the logic and esperimental design site, including links to journals; publishers; organism specific data bases; reference; companies

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National Library of Medicine which has a link to 'Greatful Med', a fine on-line search engine

American Type Culture Collection. at

A composite list of all available cell culture cell lines from all species. Information about origin, type, growth conditions, etc.\

Galaxo pharmacology guide and definitions

biospace: This site is mainly a site for late breaking news in biotechnology, but it also includes a cloning page, gene discovery page, biotech news, a career center, journal resources, marketplace, etc.
A restriction enzyme database
useful protocool collections 1 (from a dept of comerce fisheries site) & 2 omprehensive protocol collection from Dartmouth
The US DOE hunan Genome sight

Yahoo search engine. at

Multiple listings to relevant Cell Biology sites.
Cornell University Medical College Library

Current Protocols by John Wiley & Sons. at

The infamous "Current Protocols' series home web page. Information about feautured protocols in Molecular Biology, Immunology, Human Genetics, Protein Science, Cytometry, and Neuroscience, plus ordering information, and FAQs.

Cell Bio dictionary. at

An online dictionary of Cell Biology. Just type in your request.

Virtual Cell Bio sources. at

A listing of virual Biology courses available on the net as created by a Silicon Graphics employee. Additional links are available.

Gene therapy resource. at

A listing and description gene therapy techniques from Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools at

A comprehensive listing of online scientific journals and links to other resources ueful to molecular biologist

The National Center for Biotechnology Information at

This site provides access to various databases including, for example, GenBank.

The Dana BrainWeb and the Dana Alliance at or

The Brainweb site offers recommendations from the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives for internet sites with validated current information of the lay person. The Dana alliance has additional information and sites devoted to prominsing brain research.

IonSource has a site with Mass Spectrometry and Biotechnology Resource, including tutorials.

For the basics of channels, pumps, and receptors including computer simulations from Duke; or for a more detailed treatment try the GENESIS neural simulator from cal tech

Organism specific data bases.

FlyBase. Database containing genetic and molecular data for Drosophila.

  1. which is at Harvard
  2. which is at Indiana
  3. which is in the United Kingdom

other addresses include: France (; Australia (; & Japan (

If you need help finding the new location of any link, please send email to us at, and we will attempt to direct you to the correct place. Please let us know of any functionalities you find missing from the new views of FlyBase. Thank you for your help.

FlyBase is also availiable as the Encyclopedia of Drosophila at

This is a collaborative effort between Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project and FlyBase

The Yeast Genome Project. at

and Stanford maintains a yeast genome database called SGD.

Access to annotated sequence of complete genome for Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Options include searches, chromosome displays, alignments, functional analyses.

MITOMAP: A human mitochondrial genome database

Journals and publishers on line:

Cell which is at
Cell & Molecular Biology Online which is at
Current Opinion in Immunology which is at
EMBO Journal which is at
Genes and Development which is at
Immunity which is at
Journal of Biological Chemistry which is at
Nature which is at
Nature Medicine which is at
Nucleic Acids Research which is at
Science which is at


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and the CSHL Press. at

Link to Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory including a catalog describing complete list of publications availbale to a molecular biologist.

Companies with products and proceedures--look up a company

Look at Biowire, Lab Velosity's site devoted to reviews of products and proceedures.

perkin elmer: reagents

invitrogen: expression systems

clontech: research tools/kits

Gibco life tech: cell culture media

Promega molecular biology-get you subscription to promega notes

stratagene molecular biology, libraries & vectors


Protein structure sites:

protein data base is a primary store of experimentally determined atomic coordinates of proteins. Each coordinate has a unique identification code that can be retrieved together with the coordinates and other info about the structure, including interacive images, by searching for the protein's name or publication details).

protein science kinemages is interactive molecular images produced by program Mage. Many on-line journals use the kinemage format to display protein structures.

rasmol and chime are interactive molecular images from molecule's atomic coordinates

protein structure classification arranges domains according to class, architecture and topology plus there is a useful glossary (from University College London).

Protein topology homepage provides a program that searches for specific topologies and can determine the topology of a new, unique protein

The Dali server points out interesting biological similarities between two proteins

Expert Protein Analysis System includes protein sequence and structure information.

pfam is a set of database of multiple sequence alingment of homologous domains from the Sanger center.